* From Richard Stutman at the Boston Teachers Union: Next Wednesday, 3/24, the BTU is sponsoring a rally at the School Department, at 5:00, to protest yet another round of budget cuts. Please feel free to stop by. And on April 5, Monday, at 4:00, the BTU is hosting an event with Diane Ravitch. This will be a good event as well, as Diane, the author of the top selling education book on Amazon. She’ll be speaking at 4:30 after refreshments, and will be signing her book after the event.
* From the Pioneer Institute (yes, you read that right): Come hear our own Bill Schechter and Linda Nathan of the Boston Arts Academy discuss/debate history standards and assessment with other panelists at a Pioneer Institute event on March 31 (2-4:30 p.m.). It’s open to the public, a rare opportunity to witness an actual history teacher weigh in on academic standards! Those who are available are encouraged to attend. More details at the Pioneer web site.