Making the Invisible Visible: Asian Americans in Public Education

Join us Wednesday, January 18, at 7pm for the second of three Zoom events on Making the Invisible Visible: Asian Americans in Public Education, presented by Citizens for Public Schools.

Session 2 will be “It’s NOT Because of ‘Asian Culture’ that Asian Americans are Invisible: Busting Stereotypes and Framing Realities of Asian American Well Being.”

You can view the recording of Session 1 here.

Admission is free but we welcome and encourage contributions to support our work and programs like this.

Register here:

Asian Americans are frequently omitted from research on aspects of students’ intellectual and emotional well being. Studies that include Asian Americans often inadvertently reinforce the problematic and insidious “model minority” myth that plagues Asian American lived experiences. Continuing the conversation from Session 1, Session 2 panelists will highlight data that challenge the false narratives that Asian Americans have no problems and are thriving, a state of being frequently attributed to their “Asian cultures.” Panelists will discuss the cultural essentialist myths that hide the truth about the actual intellectual, mental, and emotional well being of our Asian American students.