Campaigns against the overuse and misuse of standardized testing are exploding across the nation. Many parents, teachers, students and activists agree that one-size-fits-all exams produce narrow, misleading snapshots of U.S. children and public schools. State and local policy makers are starting to heed their constituents’ message by reducing testing overkill.
Now, major groups seeking to overhaul assessment have allied to help win more policy changes. Today, they announced the launch of “Testing Resistance & Reform Spring.” Citizens for Public Schools is proud to be a partner in this important campaign.
Testing Resistance & Reform Spring (TRRS) seeks to ensure that assessment contributes to all students having access to a high-quality education. The core theme is, “Enough is Enough: Less Testing, More Learning.” The alliance unites grassroots boycotts, rallies, opt-out organizing, town hall forums, petition drives and legislative campaigns around three fundamental goals:
- Stop high-stakes use of standardized tests;
- Reduce the number of standardized exams; and
- Replace multiple-choice tests with performance-based assessments.
A new, action-oriented website provides resources for the campaign’s success. It includes downloadable fact sheets, how-to-do-it guides, and much more. A mapping tool makes it easy for parents, students, teachers and community organizers to post and find local actions anywhere in the United States.
Founding partners in the alliance include the National Center for Fair & Open Testing (FairTest), Parents Across America, United Opt Out, Network for Public Education, and Save Our Schools. Many other groups have already endorsed the campaign. A mission statement with an updated list of supporters, plus the fact sheets, including one on how to use the action website, is here.